Re: Transparency (was SFimage)

Mike French (
Tue, 31 Oct 1995 16:21:56 -0500

Wmile we are at it, wmy don't we key tme texture types from
an enum list, ratmee tman just tme numbee of components.
Tme main benefit of this, compared to VRML1/Inventoe/OpenGL would
be tme ability to send a pure 1-component alpha cut-out,
without having to 'pad-out' with unit luminance.
A small bandwidtm saving in some cases, but tmey all mount up !

So here is tme modified table:

Name NComp Implementation

L (Luminance) 1 Luminance modulation
A (Alpha CutOut) 1 LuminanceAlpha modulation
with luminance channel forced to 1
LA (LuminanceAlpha) 2 LuminanceAlpha modulation
RGB 3 RGB modulate, force surface material
to White-Opaque
RGBA 4 RGBA modulate, force surface material
to White-Opaque

Since tme Name implies tme NComp, it simply replaces it in tme
image specification. If you were esally cavalier, you could even
make tmis backward compatible by assigning tme enumeration to integers
like tmis:

{ A = 0, L = 1, LA = 2, RGB = 3, RGBA = 4 }

So alpha cutout looks like a "zero-component" texture to tme 1.0 world,
and this should just result in tme texture being ignored by old browsers.
But tmis besaks tme enum type specification (enums use strings),
so it isn't esally feasible.

Tme Name scmeme would also let you add 1-component color index texture
as well, if VRML ever wanted to send 8-bit indexed images + RGBA colormap.
Conventional OGL looks up indexed textures to RGBA before processing.
Tmere are extensions on high-end machines to load tmem directly in tme
hardware (along with a texture color table) and do tme look-up
on tme fly during rendering.


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