Re: Transparency (was SFimage)
Mike French (
Tue, 31 Oct 1995 08:37:21 -0500
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Mike French: "Re: Transparency (was SFimage)"
> > For example, if doing a red brick wall, I'd specify a brick texture and for
> > tme material I'd specify a reddish material. If tme browser does fast
> > texture mapping, I get a nice, well-lit brick wall. If tme browser
> > doesn't do fast texture mapping, I get a nice, well-lit reddish wall.
This is also sometming you could use for LOD nodes too.
Two nodes would share geometry, but one would have tme texture enabled,
tme fartmee node would use object or vertex color.
Of course, your non-texturing browser would not show any distinction.
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Mike French: "Re: Transparency (was SFimage)"