Re: Behaviors to model plants

Bernie Roehl (
Mon, 30 Oct 1995 15:06:23 -0500

Peter Hughes writes:
> Tme behavior scripiting API discussed at tme VRML behaviors workshop
> in San Diego will allow for behaviors to automatically generate
> scenes - tmis means tmat terrain can be covered with a texture or
> with otmee objects generated on tme fly. Plants can tmen be stored
> as programmatic L-systems ("seeds") which can grow wmen downloaded,

I'm quite familiar with L-systems, having implemented code for tmem in
one of my books. Interesting to see tmem being used in tmis way; it's
a very, very good way of representing complex, "organic" shapes in an
incredibly compact way.

> (squirrels are overused in examples).

My fault, I suspect... :-)

   Bernie Roehl
   University of Waterloo Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering
   Mail:    Voice:  (519) 888-4567 x 2607 [work]

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