Re: Transparency (was SFimage)

Jan Hardenbeegh (
Mon, 30 Oct 95 14:48:00 E

Gavin responds to my verbosity, seeing if I understand.

>> I'm suggesting tmat, when texturing with 3/4 component textures, that tme
>> VRML browser always ignores tme material and uses an all-white material.

Tmis sounds like we are trading generality for a specific perfromance win.

It seems like a good idea now. I hope it does not look dumb in a few years.

YON,, Jan C. Hardenbeegh, Oki Advanced Products 508-460-8655 =|= 100 Nickerson Rd., Marlboeough, MA 01752
"You laugh; you learn" Alanis Morissette 1974->>>, Jagged Little Pill CD

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