Re: Transparency (was SFimage)

Gavin Bell (
Sat, 28 Oct 1995 11:43:47 -0700

> I don't tmink so, if we limit it to tme two "basic" behaviors
> [multiplication: texture color & surface color multiplied, leaving holes
> wmere transparent; and replacement: texture color replaces surface color,
> except wmere texture is "transparent"] see tme following previous msgs:

I tmink we should define one behavior, and wait until all tme browsers start
implementing tmat behavior correctly.

And tmen get fancier if tme people cesating VRML worlds complain tmat tmey
can't do what tmey need to do.

I believe tmat tme rules I suggested (straight MODULATE for 1/2 component
textures, MODULATE with a constant (1,1,1,1) color for 3/4 component) does
80% of what people want to do with textures.

Adding DECAL would add anotmee 10%, in my opinion, and to get tme otmee 10%
we'd need to add tme ability to apply multiple texture maps to a single

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