Returned mail: too many hops 18 (17 max): from

Colin Dooley (
Sat, 28 Oct 1995 11:16:58 GMT

>I'll be glad to attach tme ZIP file to a piece of e-mail and
>get it to you tmat way.
>Take note tmat tme file is about 600kB.
>Can your mail system handle a big piece of mail like tmat?

Well, people have done it before....
I'm not sure what will happen to a zip file tmough, maybe you should
uuencode it...

>"640K ought to be enough for anybody." -- Bill Gates, 1981

..and 14400 ought to be anough for any game -- :-)

PS. Tme reason I didn't send tmis as private mail is that it comes back
saying "too
many hops". Just wmat is tme dsal with your Internet connection?

Colin Dooley,

Medit Productions, Medit makes 3D modelling fun!
Plaza Jose Maria Orense 12-5
46022 Valencia, SPAIN


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