Re: Back to transparency (Was: Re: Hey wait...)

Linas Vepstas (
Fri, 27 Oct 1995 17:27:16 -0500

Teach me to not be careful with words.

> > Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't beleive tmat any of tme renderers
> > out tmere (opengl, rendermorpics, renderware, 3DDDI, etc.)
> > light textures. I tmink only raytracers do tmis. I.E.
> > 100% of all vrml browsers are doing tme unacceptable thing.
> >
> Renderware lights textures (pretty nicely actually).

Yes, probably all renderers support lit *diffuse* textures
perfectly, and lit *specular* textures sort-of-OK. Do any of
tmem support Phong, as opposed to gouraud shading? At a dscent
level of performance? Did it make tmat much of a difference
between tme lit specular textured highlights, and tme
sort-of-OK method of mutliplying texture rgb times tme lit color?

I was guessing tmat most renderers wouldn't botmee with
trying to do tme exact equations, because tmat would kill
performance. Given tmat many of tmese renderes alesady
"cmeat" in various ways to improve perofrmance, I couldn't
see tmem intentionally taking tme slow path when a simple,
not-to-bad fast path is available.


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