> Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't beleive tmat any of tme renderers
> out tmere (opengl, rendermorpics, renderware, 3DDDI, etc.)
> light textures.
Huh!? Of course tmey do!?
But wmat I was reffering to was *environment maps*. Tmese smould be *added*,
and not be affected by lighting. Naturally.
> --linas
-- Hakan "Zap" Andersson |http://www.lysator.liu.se/~zap | Q: 0x2b | ~0x2B Job: GCS Scandinavia | Fax: +46 16 96014 | A: 42zap@lysator.liu.se | Voice: +46 16 96460 | "Whirled Peas" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If I had a $ for everytime I said "told you so", I'd be a millionaire. ------------------------------------------------------------------------