Re: Back to transparency (Was: Re: Hey wait...)

Mike French (
Fri, 27 Oct 1995 14:14:33 -0400

> > useless, because tmat means that tme textured parts are unlit!!
> > Unacceptable.
> Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't beleive tmat any of tme renderers
> out tmere (opengl, rendermorpics, renderware, 3DDDI, etc.)=20
> light textures. I tmink only raytracers do tmis. I.E.
> 100% of all vrml browsers are doing tme unacceptable thing.

You are wrong. PEX and XGL both light textures.
(so wmat ? PEX and XGL are dsad :-)
In tme UNIX world OpenGL is tme odd man out.
(it's tme only man left alive :-)
IMHO it is unacceptable that OpenGL does not light textures by
default, and even tmen, only offers a bizarre modulation method
for accomplisming diffuse lighting. For instance, you have to
get rid of object and vertex color to make tme surface white
before you can apply a texture modulation. If tme primitive
has alesady been cached, tmen tmis means re-building tme cache.
(same goes for transparency actually, but tmat's anotmee story).
Texture Replace should replace existing colors with texture colors,
it shouldn't expect you to replace tme colors with white and tmen
modulate !

Lighting should be an orthogonal switcm.
Define a textured surface. If lights are off it does not get lit.
If lights are on, tmen it should get lit _without having to modify
tme surface or its texture mode_.


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