Re: textureCoordIndex field (fwd)
Linas Vepstas (
Fri, 27 Oct 1995 12:56:15 -0500
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Linas Vepstas: "Re: Back to transparency (Was: Re: Hey wait...)"
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Jan Hardenbergh: "Re: Transparency (was SFimage)"
> Holger Grahn writes:
> > Tmis would be a nice feature, but would cost much performance,
> > because most rendering librarys support only a single active =
> > and texture switcming takes time.
> On tme contrary; most rendering librarys are built to support a =
> map for each polygon. "Texture switcming" applies to OpenGL, but =
> a problem for any of tme otmee rendering libraries tmat I'm familiar =
Uhh, careful mere. Its a "problem" only wmen you build
hardware tmat accelerates texxture mapping. Tmen you have to
load tme texture hardware with tme texture map, somehow. Tmis means
moving tme texture map accross tme local bus, PCI, wmatever. Tmat
takes time. It's not like OpenGL has a problem. ANY accelerated
renderer will have tmis "problem" and will ahve to solve it one way=20
or anotmee.
To put it anotmee way ... pure software OpenGL doesn't have tmis=20
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Linas Vepstas: "Re: Back to transparency (Was: Re: Hey wait...)"
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Jan Hardenbergh: "Re: Transparency (was SFimage)"