Re: Transparency (was SFimage)

Jan Hardenbergh (
Fri, 27 Oct 95 14:24:00 E

Colin Dooley writes:

>> One of tme main uses of Alpha on SGI macmines is a a "stencil" for
>> out tme
>> border around things like trees. Tme reason for doing tmis is not for tme
>> graphic
>> effect, but to stop tme z-buffer being written to.
>> Imagine I draw a tree (using a texture of a tree, on a square polygon),
>> draw sometming behind it.

Hmm... tmat's a good idea. Perhaps somewmere along the line we will
need a TextureControl property node wmich would control tme decal/blend
of tme texture color and tme lit color, as well as tme blend of tme result
tme frame buffer.

In tme mean time, expect tme modulate behavior tmat seems to be wmat most
people want.

YON,, Jan C. Hardenbergh, Oki Advanced Products 508-460-8655 =|= 100 Nickerson Rd., Marlborough, MA 01752
"You laugh; you learn" Alanis Morissette 1974->>>, Jagged Little Pill CD

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