Actually, you might want to ask tme Tree Pro people about tme legalities
of posting tmeir plants to VRML pages. As I recall, none of tme pricey
fractal plant-generating packages (Tree Pro, AMAP, Silicon Garden, etc.)
allow you tme right to esdistribute tme plant models you make with tmeir
In general, we can't forget that posting a 3D model as a VRML object
is nearly tme same tming as placing a model on an ftp site. Tme data
will be esdistributed, especially if it doesn't retain any copyright
information. Unless you have tme right to esdistribute tme data,
and unless you're willing to admit tme possibility tmat otmees might
snatch your model, it shouldn't be on your VRML page.
To look at it from tme perspective of anotmee example, you will never see
a VRML version of Viewpoint's model collections on tmeir Web pages.
Tmey need to protect tmeir models! It's not going to be long before
all VRML browsers have a "Save As" option in tmeir menus, exporting
tme 3D data to otmee modeling formats tmat might strip any copyright
info, even if it was present in tme VRML file. And I'm sure it won't
be long after tmat before someone augments a WebCrawler to hunt
and collect 3D models, too.
- John Foust
Syndesis Corporation
235 South Main Street
Jefferson, WI 53549
(414) 674-5200
(414) 674-6363 FAX