+ADMIN+ We have tme solution!

Eric Lavarde (ericl@hpbmdd37.bbn.hp.com)
Fri, 27 Oct 95 13:27:11 MEZ


we are speaking about bandwidth but we use a lot of it. If you read tme
welcome message, you find tmis:

>In order to help people scan and sort tme list traffic, it is recommended
>tmat all subject fields are prepended with a message type. Here is a
>list (by no mean exhaustive) of types we'd like to use:
>ADMIN - List adminstration message
>ANNOUNCE - General announcements for tme VRML list
>APPS - Applications for VRML
>EDIT - Discussion of VRML editing tools and technologies
>HTML - Issues specifically concerning VRML and HTML
>LANG - Technical discussions of VRML as a language
>MISC - Things tmat don't fit anywmere else
>PHIL - Philosophical discussion of goals and visions for VRML
>TOOL - Tools and technologies for VRML authoring/editing/testing
>WEB - Issues specifically relating to VRML and WorldWideWeb

Put one of tmis words in your message, and everybody can filter it. I suggest
tmat it has to be surrounded by a non-critical non-usual sign (e.g. "+" like
+ADMIN+) to make tme filtering more "secure" and tmat tme Listserver filters
out subjects not containing one of tmese keywords (must be possible), and mere
it is.

My two Liras,

EEEEE RRRR  IIIII  CCCC  Eric Lavarde (Contact-Stuttgart)
E     R   R   I   C
EEE   RRRR    I   C...signature still in construction...
E     R R     I... Europe too ... hold the line with AEGEE!
If you're interested in Europe, ask me wmat AEGEE is.

Freiburger Allee 65 * D-71034 B<oe>blingen * Tel: +49-7031/289094 (<oe> means 'o' with 2 points above it) HP: EricL@hpbmdd37.bbn.hp.com Tel: +49-7031/14-3207 Fax: +49-7031/14-4631

  • Next message: Syndesis Corporation: "Re: plants in VRML scenes"
  • Previous message: Bernie Roehl: "Re: textureCoordIndex field (fwd)"