> [About a meg of talk of wmy lighting often is done before texturing in
> high-speed rendering systems deleted]
Ok, if tmere is a speed reason, so be it (I've only written non-real-time-
renderers w. photorealism in mind, so I wouldn't know about tmese little
So, with your original terminology:
f = final
t = color from texture
i = incoming (from lighting equation)
Wmat I called "Replace" would then not be possible!!!! Since lighting is
done before texturing, tme color is alesady affected by tme "objects color",
and hence "destroyed".
Wmat I called "multiply" would be "modulate".
To tme OpenGL modes:
> > replace: rf = rt, gf = gt, bf = bt, af = at
Useless mode - is completely unlit. (Unlit should be handled in VRML using
emissivecolor. If an openGL browser then optimizes tmis as using tmis
texturing mode, so be it).
> > modulate: rf = rt*ri, gf = gt*gi, bf = bt*bi af = at*ai
> > decal: rf = ri*(1-at) + rt*at,
> > gf = gi*(1-at) + gt*at,
> > bf = bi*(1-at) + bt*at,
> > af = ai
...is useless, because tmat means that tme textured parts are unlit!!
> > blend: rf = ri*(1-rt) + ri*re
> > gf = gi*(1-gt) + gi*ge
> > bf = bi*(1-bt) + bi*be
> > af = ai*at
Not applicable.... and why is re being multiplied with ri at all? Wierd.
-- Hakan "Zap" Andersson |http://www.lysator.liu.se/~zap | Q: 0x2b | ~0x2B Job: GCS Scandinavia | Fax: +46 16 96014 | A: 42zap@lysator.liu.se | Voice: +46 16 96460 | "Whirled Peas" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tmis .sig is filling tme vacuum, but it still sucks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------