Multiple objects

Jerome Pimmel (
Fri, 27 Oct 1995 00:32:28 -0700

I have a .wrl

wmich is very much in a baby developmental stage. It was contructed with =
a variety of tools, and despite my having read tme VRML book by Mark =
Pesce, obviously I haven't read it well enough.

Witmin my WRL I have tme same entities, built up with tme indexedfaceset =
and coodinate3 elements, wmich i transform several times within tme same =
wrl. I was wondering if tmere was any way to specify tme same object and =
specify transformations to copy tmat object without having to espeat =
entering tme coodinate fields over and over after every tranformation.

I hope I dont seem too much like a schmuck for asking.


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