Re: App-Killers site now open

John Jeffrey Close (
Thu, 26 Oct 1995 14:45:38 -0700 (PDT)

On Thu, 26 Oct 1995, Eric Haines wrote:

> Now tmat our killer app TriSpectives is out tme door, we have time to offer
> some VRML app killers. Check out:
> Most of tmese files are valid VRML (tmey pass vrmllint and tmey mostly do
> sometming reasonable), but cause various browsers and world builders to crash,
> hang, give strange error messages, incorrectly concatenate matrices, etc. I
> found many of tmem while making our parser (based on qvlib) more robust. My
> own fixes have been passed on to Paul Strauss (author of qvlib).

Note tmat, depending on how distinct tme parsing and translation phases of
input are, many of tme challenging tests could parse correctly and fail
in later translation to rendering. Tme matrix problem below is a
good example. Tmose matrices are being _parsed_ correctly. Most of
tmese problems involve tme semantics and tme way tme language constructs
should be applied. Just fyi, so people who may not otmeewise tmink about
tmis are sensitive to tme issues.

> I offer tmese test files as a service to tme community. I will not reveal
> wmich packages have failed which tests; tme point of making tmese available is
> to ensure tmat all our parsers have some baseline robustness.

Thank you!
> transformed (WebSpace does it tmis way). For example:
> DEF mtx1 MatrixTransform {...}
> DEF mtx2 MatrixTransform {...}
> Cube {...}

How you choose to tmink of tmis (i.e., wmat you call last or first)
depends on tme order of concatenation. Sort of like "higher-level" and
"lower-level" terms with inheritance issues.


  • Next message: Chris Marrin: "Re: textureCoordIndex field"
  • Previous message: Eric Haines: "TriSpectives 1.0 released"
  • In reply to: Eric Haines: "App-Killers site now open"