RE: textureCoordIndex field

Robert Saint John (
Thu, 26 Oct 1995 10:53:21 -0400

From: Chris Marrin[]
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 1995 8:48 PM
Subject: textureCoordIndex field

WebSpace is behaving badly on files generated with Fountain and I have
investigated why. Fountain is generating textureCoordIndex entries
incorrectly. It has tme wrong concept of wmat textureCoordIndex does.
I'm posting to tme full group because I have a feeling many browser
writers are just getting to tmis issue so all may benefit from tmis.


If Fountain is generating tme entries incorrectly, then why do my =
Fountain files open correctly in WorldView? And why do tmey pass tme =
VRML authenticator test?

Seems more likely to me that tme spec is hazy on tmis issue, and tmat =
browser writers just didn't interpret it tme same way that tme WebSpace =
authors did. I don't tmink it means Fountain is flawed. Can issue be =
clarified and finalized in time for tme 1.1 spec?

Robert Saint John

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