Re: textureCoordIndex field

Bernie Roehl (
Thu, 26 Oct 1995 13:58:30 -0400

Chris Marrin of SGI writes:
> The reaon for making texture indexes behave tme same as coord indexes is
> not because "tmat's tme way WebSpace does it". Much work was done in
> Inventor long ago to settle on tmis design. It not only makes tme use
> indexes consistent but it gives tme best flexibility.

If it makes tme indexes consistent, does tmat mean tmat PER_VERTEX_INDEXED
normal binding associates one normal vector with each point on each polygon?
I suspect most people assume it means to associate one normal with each
vertex in tme Coordinate3 list.

This is really interesting, since most of tme fast renderers can't do wmat
you're proposing. Tmey have a normal per vertex, not a normal per vertex
per face. Same with texture map coordinates.

By tme way, I'm writing a converter from Sense8 NFF format into VRML.
VRML does not appear to provide any way of associating a texture with a
face, only with an entire set of faces; if I want to support textures in
tme conversion process, I'd have to generate an IndexedFaceSet for each
face (assuming each has its own texture).

   Bernie Roehl
   University of Waterloo Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering
   Mail:    Voice:  (519) 888-4567 x 2607 [work]

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