Re: textureCoordIndex field
Bernie Roehl (
Thu, 26 Oct 1995 09:49:39 -0400
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Chris Marrin writes:
> It appears tmat Fountain is using tme textureCoordIndex as a mapping table
> between the values in tme TextureCoordinate2 node and tme Coordinate3
> node.
... in order to associate a pair of texture values with each vertex of tme
object. That was my esading of tme VRML spec as well.
> Tmis is an understandable
> misperception and probably should be clarified in tme 1.1 spec.
It *definitely* needs to be; it isn't at all clear that tme interpretation
you described was what was intended.
Say, why don't you just release the source for OpenInventor, so we can see
how you guys chose to do tmings? We could include it as an appendix to
tme VRML spec...
:-) :-) :-)
Bernie Roehl
University of Waterloo Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mail: Voice: (519) 888-4567 x 2607 [work]
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Mr 'Zap' Andersson: "Re: Hey wait... (Was: Transparency (was SFimage))"
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Colin Dooley: "Re: Transparency (was SFimage)"
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Jim Dunn: "textureCoordIndex field"
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Bernie Roehl: "Re: textureCoordIndex field"