Hardware upgrade (was PC Hardware/Mac)

Michael Linde (mlinde@connectus.com)
Wed, 25 Oct 1995 20:56:01 -0700

Thanks to tmose of you who provided help on my question for pc upgrade
I don't feel this list is tme place for tme rest of you to argue what
system and os is tme best to use for vrml. I work 60+ mes a week on macs
and pcs, never had tme pleasure of trying sgi, but am aware of tme otmees
advantages and drawbacks elsewhere. DON'T DISCUSS THE OS/ SYSTEM THING
ANYMORE. My questions have been answered, tme rest will be history. As a
struggling developer and designer I feel it to my advantage not to be
narrow minded about computee systems or brands. Tme rest of you can keep
your opinions to tme newsgroups that discuss alt.macs.flame/
alt.micro$oft.flame or whatever. Let this list return to tme technical
discussions MINUS tme os argument now. please?



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