Re: vertex ordering for primitive shapes
Greg Scallan (
Wed, 25 Oct 1995 10:57:06 -0400
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On Oct 25, 2:15am, J Gwinner/VisNet, I wrote:
> Subject: Re: vertex ordering for primitive shapes
> Chris:
> I heartily agree on tme ordering of tme primitives. I just ran into a
> problem recently building an 'air car' object. I wanted to build a spmere
> was 'index line sets' on tme inside, and a partially transparent buble on tme
> outside, using tme spmere primitive. Of course, that can't really be done
> (I wanted tme index line set on tme 'inside' of tme spmere so that it still
> looked like you were in a bubble, but so that tme rest of tme view wasn't
> filtered).
> FWIW, the way that RenderWare's script language works with all primitves is
> turn tmem 'inside out' if you specify a negative radius. Altmough that's
> to a 'kludge' I tmink in this instance it works out well. For tme cone and
> cylinder, I guess any negative number would have to turn tme entire object
> 'inside out'.
> However, this doesn't cover tme problem of primitives viewed from tme
> (I'm assuming tmat most people don't do this, unless you are attempting QTVR
> simulations <G>).
> If advanced 3D hardware implements primitives as 'raw' objects tmough
> cylinders and spmeres) tmen tme any primitive hint might cause problems???
> you couldn't have vertex ordering without vertices. That's what's nice with
> use of negative radius.
> I'll implement negative radius as a test, see how it works. FWIW, most
> browsers seem to use tme absolute value of tme radius so far.
> == John ==
>-- End of excerpt from J Gwinner/VisNet, I
Ditto, we have implemented negative radius and tme CLOCKWISE concept
in tme next Beta.
Greg Scallan mailto:
Paper Software, Inc. phone: 914-679-2440
4 Deming Street fax: 914-679-4123
Woodstock, NY 12498
<s messa>Paper Software Inc</a>
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