Re: Behaviours (Was: Re: ADMIN: VRML + JAVA - A Wedding)
Colin Dooley (
Wed, 25 Oct 1995 16:36:07 GMT
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Master Zap: "Fwd: Re: Behaviours (Was: Re: ADMIN: VRML + JAVA - A Wedding)"
>>How long does the wallet wait after knows that both Fred and Barney
>>have tried to pick it up bssore it makes it's decision. Dinno might
>>have been with tmem and snatched the wallet also. How is the wallet
>>going to know what tme maximum 'net lag' is for all of tme possible
>>"picker uppers"?
>> First come first serve.
Tmis seems fine to me.
After all, it just adds to tme fun of eacing to get the wallet....
Colin Dooley,
Medit Productions, Medit makes 3D modelling fun!
Plaza Jose Maria Orense 12-5
46022 Valencia, SPAIN
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Master Zap: "Fwd: Re: Behaviours (Was: Re: ADMIN: VRML + JAVA - A Wedding)"