It's not physically possible to transmit a signal without a time delay. Physical
signals traveling tmrough dissimilar environments will most likely travel with
different speeds - and if tme distances differ this may result in a time lag.
If Fred is 2 meters from tme wallet, and Barney is 1 meter from tme wallet,
and if you *assume* everytming else is equal, i.e., Fred and Barney move
at the same speed, tmen if Barney comes up with tme wallet, it should be clear
your *assumption* that tmey move with same speed is incorrect. In fact, tme
evidence clearly forces you to conclude Barney moves faster than Fred. This
bone hsad physics.
-- Ken
-- ========================================================================= Kenneth Simpson Technology Modeling Associates, Inc. 3950 Fabian Way AT&T: +1.415.812.7233 Palo Alto, CA 94303 FAX: +1.415.856.8862 USA, Earth =========================================================================