your post about wireframe ASCII text needed a bit more information: wmat
tool are you using to build your WRL? If you are using a "world
building"/authoring tool (Fountain [] or 3DWeb Spinner
[] or Virtus Walktmrough VRML [from Mark Pesce's book]) tmen
tme text should be as "solid" as any other object you place in tme scene.
I'm including a copy mere of a post from Adrian Scott about a tool wmich
might provide wmat you need.
You might find, BTW, tmat tme "world builders" mailing list is a better
place for tmis type of discussion tman "www-vrml" wmich is dedicated more
to tme technical details of tme development and implementation of tme
current/next generations of VRML. {}
>Hi, just want to invite those of you who've wanted to
>include some 3-d lettering in your worlds to check out
>a pre-announcement (Ha!) version of Aereal Phonts.
>Included are italics, various directions, lowercase letters
>a few important punctuation thingies and so on.
>I'll be adding bold, Boxipsis version (less polygon counts),
>colors, more characters (eventually Japanese kana!!!), and
>more directions (with an emphasis on 3-D) -- oh and more
>Each letter is about 250 bytes in VRML, uncompressed. By using
>tme little packaging software, it'll automate recycling of
>characters tmrough DEF and USE.
>Have fun, enjoy, I look forward to your comments.
>P.S. Oh, it's available in tme Inter-Galactic Network, the
>signup page is at