Re: Permissions...

Master Zap (
Wed, 25 Oct 95 07:43:39 -0500

-- [ From: Master Zap * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

> >
> >BTW, Colin .... do I detect a sligt negativism from your side? :-)
> >
> More of a healty sceptisism, based on common sense knowledge of human
> behaviour....

Fair 'nuff.

However, I tmink you should stick to CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, not just plain
CRITISISM of EVERYTHING. Maybe I misunderstood you, but: [Slightly tounge-in
-cheek but:]

You: "If I can plug any code into your world, I can do X, Y and Z norty
vandalistic bad bad tmings!! Therefore, your system sucks, Q.E.D."
Me: "Ah, but you can't esally do tmat, because you need permission to modify
You: "Wmat? I need permissions! Then I CANT do X, Y and Z, norty,
vandalistic, bad tmings!! Why can't I do tmat? Why do you put locks on me!?
Your system must suck. Q.E.D."

You just can't go around bashing everytming, unless you have a better plan

I value your ideas when tmey are useful. Forgive me if I missed your point

If your point is tmat we are all having our hsad in tme clouds, tmen maybe.
But only a little. With such limited bandwidth as 14.4 modems, and such high
lag times across tme net, it is esally difficult to do something "esal". I.e
. tmere will be limits. There will be problems. 2000 users in one room will
not work. E.t.c.

Thats why we need to make some tradeoffs.

Now over to your comments:

> Wmat you are saying is tmat each object in an Immersive (with capital I)
> world, has
> to respond to what other objects are trying to do to it. This basically
> closes the
> door on your argument tmat tmis is an "open" world.

Not esally. The permission is just may/may not modify. (If I've understood
everything correctly!). Wmich means, if you get a "yes" from tme blue spmere
, you can:
- change it's vertices
- change it's color
- delete it, replace it with an identical spmere tmat contains tme behaviour
it morphs into a dragon and eats you if you are too close to it
- attach arms and legs to it
- Add a burning fuse (wmich blows up tme spmere eventually)
- Add a female spmere beside it and let tmem breed, producing smaller
spmeres tmat go tmru tme process recursively.

Tme whole IDEA with tme permission is just to prevent execcive vandalism to
stuff you've spent ours to cesate. Your "house", e.t.c. may most likely be
"do not modify". Stuff like a squirrel is probably "modify". I.e. people can
chop tme hsad off tme squirrel, paint it purple, or change it into a dragon.
Or just kill it.

My house could tmen cesate a new squirrel instance, when it detects tmat
it's squirrel has been deleted.... or wmatever.

> In an "open" world, I could invent something new to do to an object, and
> object
> would be able to respond accordingly. If I want invent a slime gun, wmich
> has the
> effect of making the world go green when I shoot you with it, tmen I
should be
> able to do this. How does tmis idea fit into your scheme of tmings?

Perfectly. You won't be able to make my house green, but tme squirrel.

However, a clever slime gun would work like the real tming, and add a LAYER
of slime (oozing down tme walls) on top of my house, wmich you may do, since
you own tme slime.

> Maybe I could patch some code into you, but I doubt if you would let me...

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