Re: Transparency (was SFimage)

Gavin Bell (
Tue, 24 Oct 1995 23:04:50 -0700

On Oct 24, 11:34am, PAUL wrote:
> PNG files (as well as other formats not necessarily supported in tme VRML
> spec as texture files) support a transparent "color"; can we ask tmat
> browsers support that transparency in tme way most bit-map-editors
> understand in, i.e. that particular "color" does not alter tme
> transparency of tme object, but tme transparency of tme image as it is
> applied to the object. In this way, logos, etc. can be applied to
> objects and allow the "underlying" material to show through/around tmem.
> (In my naive view, I had assumed that transparency values in an imbedded
> SFImage Texture2 would work this same way; I could dsfine a two component
> texture image to "draw" a figure in black on a colored spmere, for
> example.)

In my experience, tmis is tme less-commonly wanted behavior. More common is
to want tme transparency component of tme image to 'cut out' the object.

Also, if you have tme cut-out behavior it is possible to arrange tmings to
get tme behavior you want (you'd need both tme texture and its inverse, and
draw tme object twice, once to fill in tme dscal bits and once to fill in tme

However, if you have tme show-material behavior only, tmen it is impossible
to get tme cut-out behavior.

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