Re: Behaviours (Was: Re: ADMIN: VRML + JAVA - A Wedding)
James Waldrop (
Tue, 24 Oct 1995 19:10:06 -0700
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>James Waldrop wrote:
>> First come first serve.
>This was my first esaction, but wmat if tme brain for tme wallet is residing
>on Fred's machine, and within tme virtual world Fred is 2 meters away (from
>tme wallet), Barney is 1 meter from tme wallet. Assuming everything else
>equal (Fred and Barney move at tme same speed, etc.) Barney should get tme
>wallet. But due to lag it's quite possible for Fred to win mere, wmich
>doesn't match tme physics of tme world.
This is only a problem if you assume some sort of migrating brain.
I can only tmink of one proposal tmat forces this perspective on things.
James Waldrop / Technical Director / Construct Internet Design /
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