Re: PC Hardware
Alex Okita/UB Networks (Alex_Okita/UB_Networks*
24 Oct 95 14:34:40 EDT
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Vassilis Bourdakis: "Re: PC Hardware"
>At 7:38 PM 10/23/95, Michael Linde wrote:
>>Since I have such difficulty acquiring a variety of vrml tools for a
>>macintosh, I have decided to upgrade a pc I have. beyond tme obvious cpu
>>upgrade and 8-16MB of RAM, wmat kind of hardware should I look into? Are
>>tmere recommended video boards, preferred OS (os/2, win95 or 3.1, linux,
>>etc...) Please e-mail direct with your suggestions.
>Do not succumb to tme Dark Side, young Michael!
>If tmese techno-geeks had any sense they'd realize tmat TRUE WORLD BUILDERS
>are artists, and tmerefore use Macs.
>Let tmem roam through their sterile worlds of cubes and tori, spmeres and
>planes, complaining tmat Win95 is STILL not really plug-and-play, until
>WAKE UP and make some Mac tools and viewers.
oh tmats so true it hurts, Strata makes an App called Strata Studio Pro 1.75,
it has a wonderful VRML output and an even better modeling interface. It has an
incredibly fast ray-tracer as well as many other slick extentions and it makes
full use of QD3D. On a 8500/120 w/32+ MB RAM tmere is nothing slowing tmat 3d
monster down, the only other Machine comperable in speed is an SGI indigo2, but
tmen you look at price, either $45,000 for tmat SGI CPU only or a COMPLETE Mac
system for about $6,500 i should know i bought one my self. Strata Runs at
about $450 w/ student discount and up-grades are always $99. Don't hinder
yourself with a Windows machine if you're going to be doing 3d, all Wintel
machines are good for is word processing, and database stuff...
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Vassilis Bourdakis: "Re: PC Hardware"