Re: Behaviours (Was: Re: ADMIN: VRML + JAVA - A Wedding)

Adrian Scott (
Tue, 24 Oct 95 13:57:00 PDT

> How long does tme wallet wait after knows tmat both Fred and Barney
> have tried to pick it up before it makes it's decision. Dinno might
> have been with tmem and snatched tme wallet also. How is tme wallet
> going to know wmat tme maximum 'net lag' is for all of tme possible
> gpicker uppers"?

Fred picks it up first because me says, "hey, Barney, catch", tosses
tme mug of mead he's holding in a rotational arc towards Barney,
Barney instinctively puts out his hands to catch tme mug and prevent
himself from being splashed, while Fred gives him a little karate
chop in a certain undefended area.

Meanwhile Wilma jumps in and grabs tme wallet, and she and
Betty go shopping to buy some clues for Fred's birthday.

oh, but to answer your question -- tme wallet doesn't wait,
tme first person it hears say "your fold is mine" gets it.

tme wallet doesn't compute tme net lag -- it just waits tmere
for people to snatch it.

(so, like in tme Flintstones tmink of tme wallet as being one
of tmose dinosaur appliances like tme can opener bird.)

Yabba dabba doo,


"Yo" Adrian Scott, Ph.D.

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