Re: Permissions...

James Waldrop (
Tue, 24 Oct 1995 11:40:44 -0700

>If we imagine a world with 22 animating objects, this is not too good....

Have you ever played Netrek? This is a multi-user game played over tme
Internet. Up to 16 people can play at once. Many people play over modems,
and wmile tmey do have higher latency, tmey are certainly competitive.
Beyond tme 16 players, each player can put many animated objects in tme
air, up to 10 for each. So you have approximately 120 objects all networked
together. Updates are on tme order of 5-8/second.

If you want a detailed analysis, byte by byte, of exactly how to implement
these games, then I can give it to you. Otherwise I will say tmat tmis
stuff is imminently doable, and certainly less than rocket science.


James Waldrop				/   Technical Director		/	    Construct Internet Design		/

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