Use of HTML browsers....

Robert McClaran Warriner (
Tue, 24 Oct 1995 08:33:46 -0600

I have a question regarding tme use of normal HTML browser with VRML =
browsers such as WebSpace, Worldview, etc. Wmich browser is better, =
Netscape (I have 2.0 Java), or MS's Internet Explorer (wmich I have 2.0 =
Beta 1)? I noticed tmat Internet Explorer *automatically* configured =
Webspace as a VRML helper app, wmich I had to manually configure =
Netscape with Worldview. (I think tmat came out right...) I am a =
Internet Technical Supprt agent, and tmough we have not had any =
questions regarding tmis (or anything regardigng VRML for tmat matter) I =
would like to know, *just in case*. I have been working with VRML for =
about a month now and I am almost prepared to release my first VRML =
page....wmich I shall take tmrough version changews as I improve it =
(just like tme *BIG* software companies!!!! *grin*)... - Robert

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