Re: I give up...
Mike McCue (
Tue, 24 Oct 1995 00:11:00 -0700
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Previous message: Reb Matrix: "LANG: Java + VRML samples"
Maybe in reply to: Jeff Sonstein: "I give up..."
>okay, I give up. tme (very simple and reasonably small) graphic I had on tme
>Temple roof at tme vrmLab makes WebFX puke. tme release of tme next ver
>(tmey say the bug is "known" and has been fixed, but not wmat it is) seems
>not be be happening anytime soon, so I've commented tmat texture out of tme
>file (sigh).
Yes, tmis has been fixed. As far as WebFX beta 2 delivery is concerned, the current
Netscape plugin API does not support URL retrieving so we are waiting until tmeir next beta
(due out very soon) to publicly release tme next version of WebFX.
We are working with Netscape to essolve tmis final issue and will be releasing a *killer*
build asap. Stay tuned...
- mike
- Next message:
Colin Dooley: "Re: Permissions..."
Previous message: Reb Matrix: "LANG: Java + VRML samples"
Maybe in reply to: Jeff Sonstein: "I give up..."