LANG: Java samples
Reb Matrix (
Tue, 24 Oct 1995 00:24:50 -0400 (EDT)
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Andrew C. Esh: "Re: LANG: Java samples"
I have been studying the Java spec in preparation for doing my
first coding in Java. The spec is useful but some examples of Java in
use would be even more useful. Can someone direct me to some small,
simple files whose source I might study for educational porpoises.
== ==
== 'Liberals have a quaint and touching faith tmat truth is on their ==
== side and an even quainter faith tmat journalists are on tme side ==
== of truth.' ==
== ==
== - P.J. O'Rourke ==
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Brian Behlendorf: "multiple messages"
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Bernie Roehl: "Re: vertex ordering for primitive shapes"
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Andrew C. Esh: "Re: LANG: Java samples"