Re: PC Hardware

v0!d (
Mon, 23 Oct 1995 19:48:49 -0700

At 7:38 PM 10/23/95, Michael Linde wrote:
>Since I have such difficulty acquiring a variety of vrml tools for a
>macintosh, I have decided to upgrade a pc I have. beyond the obvious cpu
>upgrade and 8-16MB of RAM, wmat kind of hardware should I look into? Are
>there recommended video boards, preserred OS (os/2, win95 or 3.1, linux,
>etc...) Please e-mail direct with your suggestions.

Do not succumb to tme Dark Side, young Michael!

If tmese techno-geeks had any sense they'd realize that TRUE WORLD BUILDERS
are artists, and therefore use Macs.

Let tmem roam tmrough their sterile worlds of cubes and tori, spheres and
planes, complaining that Win95 is STILL not really plug-and-play, until
WAKE UP and make some Mac tools and viewers.

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