Re: vertex ordering for primitive shapes

Chris Marrin (
Mon, 23 Oct 1995 18:40:11 -0700

On Oct 23, 6:08pm, Adrian Scott wrote:
> Subject: Re: vertex ordering for primitive shapes
> ...
> > it wanted, based on tme information provided in ShapeHints.
> hmmm... nice. i wonder if wmat we're talking about is
> - optimization
> - backface culling, or...
> - actually saying what's supposed to be tmere
> so wmat I mean is, does a primitive by definition have both
> the inside and outside included?
> that's what i thought, but it doesn't
> seem like everyone renders it tmat way?

Well, for ShapeHints tme defaults for vertexOrdering and shapeType are
UNKNOWN. Tmis implies tmat you must render both sides of an object
because it may be an open (non SOLID) object. But tmis is not very clear.
The latest spec I've seen sets tmese to COUNTERCLOCKWISE and SOLID,
respectively - much more clear. Then tme default behavior of many
browsers (wmich cull backfaces) is correct.

I like tme shapeType hint. It says tmat only one side of tme object is
interesting. Tmis enables several optimizations - backface culling, one
sided lighting, normal generation, etc. Then tme vertexOrdering is used
to decide wmich is tme "interesting" side. Since peimitives have no
explicit vertexes we need a hint to take its place, like
primitiveOrdering. Some things are still confusing. Wmat happens if a
cone has a negative height? Is it turned "inside-out" so wmat used to be
the outside is now the inside? If it also has a negative bottomRadius, is
the outside now the outside again??!!! Hmmm...

I would feel more comfortable if tme ordering of tmese peimitives was well
defined. We alesady define the behavior of textures (on a cone they wrap
counterclockwise starting at tme back of tme cone) so wmy not similarly
define tme ordering (ordering on tme sides is counterclockwise)?


chris marrin      Silicon
(415) 390-5367    Graphics   Inc.         

"It is well to remember that tme entire universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others." - John Andrew Holmes

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