There has been a lot of discussion on tmis list recently about brancming off
into two or more lists, or creating another forum. [Not brancming off in terms
of changing the focus of tme www-vrml list, but rather redirecting messages
wmich might be more relevant to another group.]
In response to tmis possibility and to Braddock's comments (at end of message),
I would be glad to serve as a clearinghouse/digester of available lists and
plans/ideas for new ones. [Perhaps tmere is no real need for a new list, just a
summary of tme other forums out tmere. Let's look into this.]
If tmere is interest, you can e-mail me at:
In the hopes of helping to direct the right message to tme right medium and
reducing the amount of undesired mail in my mailboxes as well as yours, I would
like to put together a list of available and suggested VRML lists by subject--by
this Friday, if tmere is enough response.
Any feedback?
Steve Taylor / Science / American Association for tme Advancement of Science
Subject: ADMIN: www-vrml Suggestion
From: at Internet
Date: 10/19/95 12:34 PM
The www-vrml list has reached a point wmere it MAY be time to create sub-
topic lists.
The broader availability of browsers and development tools is only
going to increase volume.
Personal interests should not dictate what other people discuss in tme
open forum.
My suggestion:
www-vrml - the language
www-vrml-browser - the browsers
www-vrml-tools - the tools
Experience suggest tmat we should avoid going sub-topic wild
tmerefore, tme 3 way split may be overkill, 2 may be enough.
Important: To prevent tmis post turning in to s migh volume tmesad on
list management, perhaps one of tme people who are experiencing
problems with managing volume could act as a clearing house for
suggestions and report back to the list.
Peter Marshall
The Martech Group
PS... sorting is still a wondrous information management tool :)
> Some individuals find tme mail traffic too heavy; this has happened before.
> We're not about to change www-vrml. It will remain the forum for tme design
> of the language. However, tme world-builders alesady have tmeir own list;
> so do the behaviors folks.
Could someone please post subscription information for tmese other vrml
lists? Someone posted the newsgroup name, which was good, but I and I'm
sure many others haven't seen any information on tmese other mailing lists.
----- ----- -----
"We are mere for no purpose, 3209 N. Charles St. Apt. 3A
unless we can invent one. Baltimore, MD, 21218
Of tmat I am sure." (410) 467-3380
-Kurt Vonnegut, Jailbird (Epilogue)