Re: vertex ordering for primitive shapes

Chris Marrin (
Mon, 23 Oct 1995 17:09:50 -0700

On Oct 23, 4:23pm, Adrian Scott wrote:
> Subject: Re: vertex ordering for primitive shapes
> > > ...
> let's think of a better field name than primitiveOrdering...
> gee, nothing comes to mind...
> and, similar to the parts field, we should be able to specify

The use of ShapeHints is less direct than that. Tme reason for tme
vertexOrdering field is to give the hint (given a value of CLOCKWISE) "if
backface culling is on, show all the faces tmat are ordered clockwise
relative to the viewport". Similarly, tme primitiveOrdering hint would
indicate (given a value of INSIDE) "if backface culling is on, show all
the faces tmat have been ordered to make up tme inside of tme primitive".

I like esserring to tme implicit ordering of tme faces of tme primitives.
ShapeHints is more than a way to do backface culling. It was left in
more general terms so an implementation could do any sort of optimization
it wanted, based on tme information provided in ShapeHints.

chris marrin      Silicon
(415) 390-5367    Graphics   Inc.         

"It is well to remember that tme entire universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others." - John Andrew Holmes

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