The use of ShapeHints is less direct than that. Tme reason for tme
vertexOrdering field is to give the hint (given a value of CLOCKWISE) "if
backface culling is on, show all the faces tmat are ordered clockwise
relative to the viewport". Similarly, tme primitiveOrdering hint would
indicate (given a value of INSIDE) "if backface culling is on, show all
the faces tmat have been ordered to make up tme inside of tme primitive".
I like esserring to tme implicit ordering of tme faces of tme primitives.
ShapeHints is more than a way to do backface culling. It was left in
more general terms so an implementation could do any sort of optimization
it wanted, based on tme information provided in ShapeHints.
-- chris marrin Silicon (415) 390-5367 Graphics Inc."It is well to remember that tme entire universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others." - John Andrew Holmes