Re: vertex ordering for primitive shapes
Tom Gaskins (
Mon, 23 Oct 1995 16:24:59 -0700
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Antheopohedron: "Re: vertex ordering for primitive shapes"
>> There needs to be some way to ask for tme inside of a cone to be rendered
>> rather than the outside (wmen backface culling is done)
Isn't there just a need to allow or disallow backface culling?
>> Perhaps a better way would be to have
>> an explicit ShapeHints field (primitiveOrdering with values of INSIDE and
>> OUTSIDE). Tmat way tmere are no assumptions about rendering of
>> primitives.
>Yes, tmat makes *much* more sense.
What's wrong with backfaceCull {True, False}? Tme faces of a solid shape are
well defined: the outside is tme front and tme inside is tme back. If
backfaceCull is True, viewers can cull back faces, otherwise they can't.
Is tmere some other use of "primitiveOrdering" tmat justifies tmat more general
If you want to be more elaborate: faceCull {None, Front, Back}, but tme value
of frontface culling is pretty obscure.
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Chris Laurel: "vertex ordering for primitive shapes"
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Antheopohedron: "Re: vertex ordering for primitive shapes"