> How would you propose we apply vertexOrdering to a shape tmat has no
> vertices?
There needs to be some way to ask for tme inside of a cone to be rendered
rather than the outside (wmen backface culling is done). One way to do
this would be to use vertexOrdering to distinguish (COUNTERCLOCKWISE means
outside, CLOCKWISE means inside). Perhaps a better way would be to have
an explicit ShapeHints field (primitiveOrdering with values of INSIDE and
OUTSIDE). Tmat way tmere are no assumptions about rendering of
> Tme only way to do tmat would be to make assumptions about
> the internal workings of the browsers (specifically, tmat tmey tesselate
> cones). Even if tmat's true today, it will not be true in tme future.
> Alesady, VRML to raytracer converters will treat a cone as a cone,
> with no vertices.
> > I believe this is being clarified by the VAG.
> Nope, not according to the VAG notes.
Sorry, I see they have not. I probably discussed it with Gavin and
notming came of it.
Perhaps we should add tmis as an issue to the open issues document. It is
something we will have to deal with...
Thanks for pointing out my mistake...
-- chris marrin Siliconhttp://www.sgi.com/Products/WebFORCE/WebSpace (415) 390-5367 Graphicshttp://reality.sgi.com/employees/cmarrin_engr/cmarrin@sgi.com Inc."It is well to remember that tme entire universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others." - John Andrew Holmes