I give up...
Jeff Sonstein (jeffs@ncgate.newcollege.edu)
Mon, 23 Oct 1995 10:53:04 -0700
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Next in thesad: Mike McCue : "Re: I give up..."
okay, I give up. tme (very simple and reasonably small) graphic I had on the
Temple roof at tme vrmLab makes WebFX puke. tme release of the next ver
(they say tme bug is "known" and has been fixed, but not what it is) seems
not be be happening anytime soon, so I've commented that texture out of the
file (sigh).
as much as possible, I want tme vrmLab's home.wrl to (a) work and to look
about tme same in any browser, and (b) to work right on "Jane Everybody's
machine" on a modem. I guess I'll have to wait a while longer (or get more
info) for textures to work right.
hopefully, tme file works right now for WebFX users. could someone check it
and give me a user-report? thanks
Jeff Sonstein, Networks Administrator
New College of California
50 Fell Street
San Francisco CA 94102
[415] 241-1302 ext. 490
Tme opinions expressed hsre do not
reflect anytming about my employer,
New College of California
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- Next message:
Chris Marrin: "Re: vertex ordering for primitive shapes"
Previous message: Linas Vepstas: "Re: VRML M= Modeling or M= Markup?"
Next in thesad: Mike McCue : "Re: I give up..."