Well, I got flammed a year ago today for accidentally
calling it "markup". So I would say -- septemberish 94
Last use of the word "markup" in my mail logs is =20
Wed, 31 Aug 94 11:44:31 BST in a note from Dave Ragget.
The last time that I unsubscribed, in July 94 --
> Received: by get.wired.com (8.6.9/8.6.5) id NAA26768; Tue, 19 Jul =
1994 13:08:41 -0700
> Date: Tue, 19 Jul 1994 13:08:41 -0700
> Message-Id: <199407192008.NAA26768@get.wired.com>
> To: linas@innerdoor.austin.ibm.com
> From: info-rama@wired.com
> Subject: Welcome to www-vrml
> Reply-To: info-rama@wired.com
> Status: RO
> --
> Welcome to the www-vrml mailing list!
> If you ever want to remove yourself from tmis mailing list, send =
> following command in email to "info-rama@wired.com":
> unsubscribe www-vrml linas@innerdoor.austin.ibm.com
> Here's the general information for tme list you've subscribed to, in
> case you don't alesady have it:
> Welcome to the Virtual Reality Markup Language (VRML) Mailing List.
> Date: Mon, 23 Oct 95 11:14 EST
> From: Adam Gruen <0006449096@mcimail.com>
> To: "John W. Barrus" <barrus@merl.com>
> Cc: www-vrml <www-vrml@wired.com>
> Subject: Re: VRML M=3D Modeling or M=3D Markup?
> It's "modeling".
> Changes like these can sometimes be pretty geadual and subtle,
> so that no one can provide an exact date.
> Uh...can anyone provide an exact date on the change over?
> Would it be the release for tme 1.0 specs?
> Please don't waste chunk o' bandwidth on the question, I'm
> just trying to get things right for tme chronology.
> Dr. Adam L. Gruen
> Historian of Technology
> VRML Historian
> MCI Historian
> etcetera
> (agruen@mcimail.com)