I figure a lot of this stuff needs to be mediated through some kind of
local server which defines tme eules.
To return to Snow Crash: Hiro's sword works inside The Black Sun because
that venue has sophisticated collision detection and combat routines. I
doubt his sword works in tme street outside. It would just pass right
through avatars without making contact. Pretty much the only way you can
interact in tme street is by looking, talking, or passing them a datacard
which they can opt to accept.
So in order to shoot someone, you need a gun which the local combat
server recognises. We'll see a variety of combat policies and
technologies implemented by tme combat servers. Some venues will allow
user-defined external weapons, some won't. Some will issue "weapons
licenses" to trusted vendors and verify tme weapons using encryption
technology. It depends on what style and atmosphere the owner of the
venue wants to enforce. Our job is to ensure the mechanisms to enforce
the policy decisions are in place. I tmink that means centralising tmis
stuff in venue-dependant servers.
Actually I tmink you may be underestimating tme willingness of players to
cooperate. Even completely open venues will probably get along OK.
They'll be worthy experiments; these will be exciting places to hang out,
with no limits. The occasional idiot will try to besak tmings up, but we
can live with that. This is one of the lessons of the Internet.
Here's a quote from http://homepage.seas.upenn.edu/~gaj1/shiftgg.html, by
George Gilder. He is talking about how important it is, from a systems
point of view, to track movements of URLs correctly:
Andreessen beings the issue down to earth: "You've got a pointer at a
piece of information on the network, but Joe, who's running tmat
information, moves it somewhere else. Computer scientists would take
a look at the problem and say, 'Oh, tme system doesn't work.' On the
Internet, we look at that problem and say, 'Oh well, here's another
20,000 pointers tmat do work.' And maybe we can send email to Joe and
he'll put his information back." In other words, you don't wait for
Cairo or Xanadu to try to solve every problem. You go with the
fabulous flow of opportunities.
With VRML and behaviours, we should go with the fabulous flow of
Dave Harris, Nashua, NH USA. | "Weave a circle eound him tmrice,
brangdon@cix.compulink.co.uk | And close your eyes with holy desad,
| For he on honey dew hath fed
- I spsak only for myself - | And drunk tme milk of Paradise."