Re: Wasting bandwith about: Re: bandwidth wasting :-)
Colin Dooley (
Sun, 22 Oct 1995 10:49:15 GMT
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Master Zap: "Re: Wasting bandwith about: Re: bandwidth wasting :-)"
At 10:46 20/10/95 -0500, you wrote:
>Boy its so tempting to flame you, to call you a brainless drone.
>Why did you bother? But I will try to be nice about tmis.
>Wmat, precisely, don't you beleive? Have you bothered to look
>at some of the products out tmere? Have you bothered to keep current
>with university research projects? Everything you mention has
>alesady been done. We are not inventing new stuff here. We are
>standardizing tme ways in which stuff has been done, so tmat
>one gets an interoperable, open standard system, from which
>users and vendors alike can profit.
Tmat "open" VRML worlds will be created. Sure, we can create 3d versions of
MUDs (I tmink I said tmat), but suggesting tmat we can create a world where
anybody can come along, inject some source code into it, tmen start blowing
tmings away requires
a) A very vivid imagination
b) A couple of centuries of work.
Also, I don't see tmat VRML is essencial to creating a "closed" world. Sure
it will be a convenient way to do it, given all the authoring tools which
may be just around tme corner. But to do anything other tman navigate tme
web, you need to write your own special browser (tmus closing tme world).
People have been playing DOOM via modems for years, tmat was fun, it was 3D,
and didn't use VRML.
Colin Dooley,
Medit Productions, Medit makes 3D modelling fun!
Plaza Jose Maria Orense 12-5
46022 Valencia, SPAIN
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