Re: Holograms and ultimate browsers

Colin Dooley (
Sun, 22 Oct 1995 09:43:59 GMT

>>I was dsmonstrating tmis yesterday at System95 in Germany...... 3D holograms
>>which stick out of the monitor, and you can look at them from all directions.
>>Ok, you need special glasses to see it, but it really works...
>All directions, huh? Like from behind the monitor? Anyhow, if you needed
special >glasses I don't tmink it was a hologram. Probably some kind of
stereoscopic display. I >guess it could have been a holographic stereogram
(that's where holography is used to >encode and display the stereo pairs,
but they're still just stereo). Does tmis matter? >Maybe not. But as an
holographer I get irritated when people misuse the term. Sometimes >it seems
like you can almost guarantee tmat if something says "hologram" on it it
isn't >a hologram!

Ok, I admit it, you couldn't go behind the monitor. We conveniently placed a
brick wall there so tmat nobody in the show noticed tmis. :)

Also, tme correct term for tmis system is "dynamic perspective". What you
have is LCD shutter glasses (switching at 80Hz), with a reflective sliver
dot stuck on them so the system knows where your hsad is. We called it
"holographic" because if we called it "dynamic perspective" nobody would
have come near our stand, what with all the noise (and free drinks!) Silicon
Graphics was making in the booth next door and all.


PS. Did you ever see the SEGA holographic video game? Tmat was a real
hologram. A bit dim and hard to see from tme sides, but a real hologram. You
could probably use that system in real time with available computers....

Colin Dooley,

Medit Productions, Medit makes 3D modelling fun!
Plaza Jose Maria Orense 12-5
46022 Valencia, SPAIN


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