Re: ADMIN: VRML + JAVA - A Wedding

Mitra (
Thu, 19 Oct 1995 10:54:32 +0100


Yours is the ONLY proposal that makes any distinction about what MUST run
distributed, and what MUST run centralised.

There are many application specific constraints which will put requirements
on this seperation, as far as I can tell noone else has determined
constraints across ALL vrml applications that require this. Its a specific
and important part of authoring to determine this, since Network bandwidth
depends very heavily upon getting tmis right for a specific application.

There will be some very complex behaviors which don't have to be
synchronised because it is unimportant that everyone sees the same tming -
for example a flock of birds chasing a hawk across the sky - the hawk might
be synchronised, the flock of birds might not be - their behavior is very

- Mitra

Mitra voice: (415)826-2499 fax: (415)826-4423

Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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