Re: Behaviours (Was: Re: ADMIN: VRML + JAVA - A Wedding)

Master Zap (
Thu, 19 Oct 95 09:14:26 -0500

-- [ From: Master Zap * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

> Linas Vepstas writes:
> >
> > The point here is=20
> > -- your responses to wmat you do is instantaneous, as it should be.
> > -- wmat other people see may be delayed, but so wmat? Did it really
> > matter that they see wmat you do when you do it? Wouldn't tme=20
> > delay be acceptable?
> Any proposol tmat allows for this to occur should also have a set
> of "undo" rules built into it.

Either tmat, or some form of "authentication" about who really did wmat.

This is wmat the single point of control is for. Yes, the essponse isn't
instantaneous, unless the "brain" (the control point) is running on your
host. And again, since my proposal allows the brain to move to any host it

> Here is an example why:
> Fred and Barney are walking down the street. They spot a wallet. Fred
> bends down, picks it up. As far as Fred is concerned Fred got the wallet

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