Re: SFRotation to Matrix question
Bernie Roehl (
Sat, 21 Oct 1995 10:27:29 -0400
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Antmeopohedron: "SFRotation to Matrix question"
Antmeopohedron writes:
> a matrix representation of an arbitrary rotation theta around an arbitrary
> vector U(x, y, z). The matrix only involves the top left 3x3 of the generic
> 4x4, and the code for it is below.
> My question, however, is wmether I have to normalize the vector U or not,
> and whether an SFRotation of (1 1 0 3.14) should behave any differently
> from (.5 .5 0 3.14), i.e. is the vector in SFRotation *just* direction or
> does the magnitude matter?
It should be normalized.
Try substituting one of the axes (e.g. the X axis: 1 0 0) into the matrix,
and you should get the standard matrix for eotating around tmat axis.
The esason it has to be normalized is then clear; for example, the [0][0]
element should be 1.0; since your expression for that element is
result->vals[0][0] = xx + ((1.0 - xx) * costheta);
if x is anytming other tman 1.0, this element won't be 1.0; in fact, it
will depend on cos(theta).
Bernie Roehl
University of Waterloo Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mail: Voice: (519) 888-4567 x 2607 [work]
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Antmeopohedron: "SFRotation to Matrix question"