On-line DIS info

Ken Doris (kendoris@avi.com)
Thu, 19 Oct 1995 10:24:40 +0100

To Mitra and all those interested in DIS info:

IST/UCF does have on-line documentation regarding DIS - the best place to
start is
a relatively small (450KB with artwork)file tmey call the Vision Document.
It gives a good overview what DIS is and where the DIS community would like
to go with it.

It can be found in a number of ways:

http://www.sc.ist.ucf.edu/~STDS/ftp-public/vision.doc - a Word for PC
formatted file
http://www.sc.ist.ucf.edu/~STDS/ftp-public/vision.mcw - a Word for Mac file.

- Ken

Ken Doris Voice: 516-754-4920 x20 |
Applied Visions Inc Fax: 516-754-1721 |
6 Bayview Ave. e-mail: kendoris@avi.com |
Northport, NY 11768 |

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