Re: Why does DEF do instancing?

Mitra (
Thu, 19 Oct 1995 13:44:54 +0100

>So I'd vote (VAG, are you listening?) for a PROTO and a COPY keyword, in
>addition to the USE keyword. COPY items would be duplicates, wherease USE
>merly be a 'pointer' to the logical def. i.e. if you PROTOd a material, then
>changed that material, all the USE's would change as well, but the COPY'ed
>would remain as tme original matieral.

We are listening - at the moment there are differences within the VAG on
this one, but that's part of the point of the VAG - to represent a spectrum
of thought on VRML.

Personally I think adding PROTO and COPY is a really good idea, I think we
are all agreed that COPY is needed, because once you have behaviors you
need to be able to copy a node so that changing one doesn't change them

Gavin - I don't see tme argument about difficulty of implementing. *You*
can implement PROTO as

Switch {
whichChild 0
DEF ...

and other people can probably implement it other ways.

Gavin said
>Mitra's URN proposal takes care of the library-of-objects problem very
>nicely, in my opinion (sorry, I don't have the URN handy).


On Oct 16, 11:28am, jjc wrote
>> If end users are NOT going to be using VRML directly, and it becomes tme
>> domain of language generators, authoring tools, compilers, etc., as some
>> people have suggested, then the intuitive ease is less an issue than
>> efficiency and language semantics, and the current DEF is a big lose mere
>> also.
>Paul responded
>Could you please justify this last statement? I don't see any loss of
>efficiency in the current model, nor do I see any problem with
>language semantics.

The biggest loss is that the two instantiations of an object are different.

PROTO Wheel { .... }
DEF MyBike Seperator {
USE Wheel
USE Wheel

Is much more symetric than

DEF MyBike Seperator {
DEF Wheel { ... }
USE Wheel

- Mitra

Mitra voice: (415)826-2499 fax: (415)826-4423

Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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