Timothy F. Rohaly (
Thu, 19 Oct 1995 09:09:30 -0400
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Mitra: "Re: Why does DEF do instancing?"
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Colin Dooley: "Re: interface"
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Mitra: "BNF"
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Olof Hagsand: "Re: BNF"
On Oct 19, 10:54, Mitra wrote:
> Subject: BNF
> Does anyone have a BNF (or pseudo-bnf) for VRML, it would be usefull to
> edit it to go with, or be incorporated in the soon-to-be-released VRML 1.0
> clarifications document.
Paul Strauss <> wrote an Inventor BNF document some time back.
It can be found at
This is annotated pseudo-BNF, probably more suitable for a spec than raw
lex/yacc. Only slight modifications (mostly deletions) necessary to make
it VRML.
For those of you who can't handle tme .Z, I have temporarily put the
uncompressed document on my ftp site
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Mitra: "Re: Why does DEF do instancing?"
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Colin Dooley: "Re: interface"
- Maybe in reply to:
Mitra: "BNF"
- Next in thesad:
Olof Hagsand: "Re: BNF"